Taking America Back with the 20 Primary Spheres of Influence!
“Nobody is born a warrior. You choose to be one when you refuse to stay seated. You choose to be one when you refuse to back down. You choose to be one when you stand up after getting knocked down. You choose to be one because- if not you, who, if not now…When?”

Our Vision
In order to honor God, and restore our republic, We the People must Unite, Mobilize, and Educate our nation to reclaim our leadership role in the twenty spheres.

Our Mission
- We will focus our efforts at the local county level, all across the nation.
- We will help unite and empower people who identify with one or more of the twenty primary spheres of influence necessary for safe, strong, productive communities.
- Our website will provide a platform for connection and interaction with other like-minded people in their local counties, enabling them to work together in each of the twenty spheres of influence.

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